Monday, June 19, 2006
Record Breaking
Wahahahaha!!! Today? or should i say yesterday. My workmates and me broke the sales record of braun in best denki Great World City! wahahaha. a unbeatable 2 year old record of $6300 was broken by our $8000 sales today! hahas. we too strong le. LOL. Dayn had to treat us eat mac. we nearly had him to treat us to crystal jade! just abit more! shit. my personal sales is $2100+ lol. Player of the day. because i sold 2 high end shavers and other stuff. damn song.! our sales rep Jessie still own us one meal! hahas.
The $8000 Squad
Sales Slips. Look how thick!
Respect US!!!!
darryll wrote on 12:41 AM.