Thursday, February 15, 2007
Follow The Law

hello. valentine's day is over and i am a happy man once again. haha.

sad to say, i went to town with alvin, kok and kok girlfriend-to-be i suppose. haha. damn sad la. alvin gf got chicken pox. so he have to date me. haha. very sad and jealous to see couples walk around happily. every lady u see will be holding flowers. =(

saw a few friends out there. haha. like eileen. finally got to see her. even we stayed at the same block and she is one level above me. we hardly met. haha.
decided to watch a singapore made movie. Follow the law. movie is about fann and gurmit met a accident and their soul change bodies. damn funny. standard singapore film with tons of singlish. this movie also shows that how singaporeans follow the rules and regulations blindly. this also shows that singaporeans does not know how to think outside the box and does not know when its suppose to break the rules. rules are made to be broken afterall. at the right circumstances.
jack neo films always have a meaning. and its very true to us singaporeans. how we act and stuff.

met rachel and jon before the movie. haha. after the movie. kok sent the girl home. while alvin and me went straight home. haha. pay came. was damn little. freaking stupid company. saved $600 for my hk trip. plus the $200 i have. i need another $400 and counting. haha.

will be watching school of rock later. haha. very old school movie.!

ok i think its about it. peace out!

darryll wrote on 12:10 AM.